The process of academic research on physical asset management systems and their effects on sectors was highlighted.The integration of self-learning
systems into physical asset management was mentioned in relation to the data obtained and the increasing functionality of artificial intelligence
mechanisms. The incorporation of these data into decision-making stages via "analytical applications" and the maturity level were discussed.
In the second round of the panel, information was provided on the applications used in the sector to maximise value throughout the asset life
cycle in physical asset management. The significance of raw data, particularly in academic applications, as well as the advantages of
participating in R&D studies in the sector, were discussed. The benefits of a strong ecosystem created within the sector, combined with smart
cooperation systems, in terms of maximising the value of physical assets, as well as academic studies and technological developments in this field,
were mentioned.

Assoc. Prof. Göknur Arzu Akyüz
THK University, THK University Logistics Management Department Head
Detaylı Bilgi